It is amazing how much closure this gives me and how excited I am to get it in the cemetery. We would have never been able to get something so beautiful without all of the wonderful friends and family who have helped us. Thank you so much!!! I am so happy we were able to get a bench. Something that I will be able to use the rest of my life. It will still be a long time before we get to the point where it is set but I can be patient to have it perfect! The proof came on a great day. Yesterday I had a different day. I was having hot flashes and shivers all day and I didn't really have time to eat much before I had to run so I was shaky too. I had grand plans to make dinner and didn't get a chance to prepare anything before and got home later than I planned. Justin had all of the kids at the table with microwave burritos and salad. I have never liked the sight of microwave burritos so much and realized again how much I love my sweetheart. I think that kind of spun me a little and reminded me that my body is still adjusting physically and that I did just have a baby. It seems like it was so long ago that I held her. I hear a lot of people talk about empty arms and I really haven't had that experience but I do find myself wanting to "smell" her. That sounds so funny!! But I just want to smother my face in her neck and kiss her chubby little cheeks.
I have been really slow getting the rest of our birth story posted. I bothers me that I don't have it posted but I want it to really portray the feeling we had there which is hard to describe in words. I also know that it is probably a post I will read and reread my whole life so that puts a lot of pressure on me. I am sure it sounds silly. When I get in the mood to write I need at least an hour to just sit and write and then pull myself back. And that doesn't mean I get a post done. :) I usually just save it until the next chance I get. It is never a negative thing for me to write. Her experience was such a positive one and I love to think about all of those feelings we had of gratitude having her here for so long but it does make me miss her more :-) Seeing her headstone come together so beautifully brings me so much joy and gratitude again to my Father in Heaven for having such a wonderful experience with my baby girl. My heart hurts I miss her so much but there is so much joy to be had here. One step at a time :-)